The Kingsman Directory

The Golden Circle, formerly known as The Golden Triangle and The Golden Hexagon[1] was an antagonistic faction in Kingsman: The Golden Circle.


It was as a drug cartel, run by Poppy Adams. It was responsible for the 'blue rash' disease infecting anyone who took Poppy's drugs (marijuana, cocaine etc.). It also came dangerously close to destroying the Kingsman. However, two agents managed to survive, Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, who was on a dinner date, and Merlin, whose address wasn't on the agent database and thus was considered "mere staff". Eventually, the two discovered that Kingsman agent Harry Hart is still alive. With the death of it's leader, Poppy and much of it's staff. The Golden Circle was then in shambles, perhaps even wiped out.

All members were required to have their finger prints be taken off by a laser, and have a layer of their teeth grounded away to protect their identities. All members were required to have a golden circle tattooed on their body with molten gold.

Known Members[]


  • The name is a reference to the Golden Crescent, the Golden Triangle, and the Knights of the Golden Circle.
  • As part of Angel's initiation, he was required to engage in an act of cannibalism. It is unknown if this was a requirement for all initiate.


