Beauty-Bot is a robot created by Poppy Adams. It was designed to supervise a nail salon in Poppy Land, where she is tasked to bring in recruits for Golden Circle. This was shown when a client named Angel comes by for a makeover during his initiation to the Golden Circle, Beauty-Bot takes Angel to a chair where she files his teeth, erases his fingerprints with a laser, and administers the Golden Circle tattoo on his chest with molten gold, causing him a lot of pain.
When Eggsy and Harry broke into Poppy Land to foil Poppy's plan of poisoning all of her customers with a toxin laced within every recreational drug available that causes blue rashes, Beauty-Bot was tasked to help Poppy's men in taking down the agents. After Harry and Eggsy finish off all of Poppy's men, Beauty-Bot uses a grenade launcher to fire three grenades in an attempt to kill the agents. Fortunately, Harry uses his umbrella to produce a high-tensile wire to grab all of the three grenades and throw them back at Beauty-Bot, destroying her in a big explosion.